“ The curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am, then I can change. ”— Carl Rogers
The Centre is positioned in Winter Valley on a few acres with a semi-rural outlook...
yes, there are cows and alpacas wandering by!
Our one of a kind facility offers the following:
6 consulting rooms offering early parenting consultancy, breastfeeding consultancy, clinical and educational & developmental psychology, occupational therapy, mental health social work, women’s health physiotherapy, play therapy, equine therapy, prenatal & postnatal yoga, relaxation & therapeutic massage services, and parent group education workshops, onsite.
A group room, overlooking a lovely lake, for facilitating group parent education, pre & postnatal yoga, and perinatal mental health support groups.
Kind and friendly receptionists, to provide a warm, nurturing welcome for exhausted parents, crying unsettled babies, wayward toddlers, chatty (or shy) pre-schoolers, and active children.
You might even be lucky enough to meet one of our very special ‘Roaming Nannies’, who have willing hands and open arms to put the kettle on, give you a knowing hug, listen and chat, cuddle and pace with your crying babe or pram walk through the gardens, entertain your busy toddler with our onsite craft and toys. Then... when, and if, your ready to go home, help you put the children in their car seats and wave you goodbye until next time.
Plenty of written material and handouts to take home and share with others.
Access for families to full kitchen facilities, for heating food and bottles, brewing tea & coffee, and munching on lunch and snacks.
Private feeding areas and quiet inside spaces with lovely views to contemplate life.
Baby change facilities, including nappies & wipes for those emergency blow outs!
An outdoor, gated, undercover toddler play area.
Gorgeous gardens to wander, and outdoor seating to relax in the sunshine or the shade of a large Elm tree.
A 21 space car park onsite, with disabled parking bays.
Absolute privacy for consultancy with your healthcare practitioner just 8kms from Ballarat CBD and 2kms from the new Delacombe Town Centre.

Absolute privacy for consultancy with your healthcare practitioner
We know this unique family-friendly, relaxed approach to meeting your family’s health and wellness needs is long overdue... so, we are just a little bit excited to offer it all and look forward to welcoming you and your beautiful family soon.