The Emotional Well-being of Babies and Young Children

At the very beginning of family – with the much anticipated arrival of a brand new baby – excited parents undoubtedly want the very best for their newborn child. Often physical needs, such as comfort, warmth, hygiene, health and safety are foremost in parents’ minds. There may even be plans in place for future needs, such as childcare, health insurance and school choices. But what of a newborn’s mental health? A somewhat mystical consideration perhaps. Who knew that babies had a mental health and what is the best way to optimise this precious commodity for future wellbeing?

To support their mental health and emotional wellbeing, babies and young children need:

  • positive, loving, stable relationships with their parent(s) and/or caregiver(s)

  • consistent, predictable caregiving

  • caregivers who are sensitive to their cues, signals and behaviour

  • an absence of traumatic experiences

When babies and young children experience loving, predictable and stable relationships, they learn what to expect of others and the world. They learn that:

  • they can take control and do things for themselves

  • they are worthy of being cared for

  • their caregivers are dependable and will look after them when they are upset, giving them a sense of security

Babies and young children grow and change very quickly, and their feelings and relationships become more complex. They need parents and caregivers to help them manage their ‘big feelings’ as they strive to understand the world. In this supported way, they gradually learn to manage and regulate their own feelings.

Babies are born with a drive to understand and master their world. They do this best when their caregivers encourage them and provide safe opportunities to explore, play and learn. Joy, laughter, positive shared experiences and having fun are important to their learning.

Every child has their own style of interacting with others and relating to their world. Every parent and caregiver also has their own personal style. When child and parent differ a lot in their approach to life, it can make parenting more difficult. If this is happening in your family, an infant mental health clinician or early parenting consultant can often help you and your child understand each other better.

Babies and young children are affected by stressful events – even those they don’t understand. Little people are also very sensitive to how their parents and caregivers react to stress. Chronically stressed babies and young children may develop emotional problems, behaviour issues, developmental delays and/or physical health effects that can last for a long time.

If stressful events are happening for your family, and are affecting your baby or young child, it’s important to seek help early. Talk to a health professional you trust. 

The Centre for Perinatal Health & Parenting in Ballarat is open for business during this tricky time and is only too happy to help. Ph 5324 2900


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