“My family is my life, and everything else comes second as far as what’s important to me.” – Michael Imperioli

Perinatal & Infant Medical Consultations

Naomi is a medical doctor, an accredited pregnancy (GP) shared care provider here in Ballarat with Grampians Health, and an accredited Neuroprotective Developmental Care (NDC, or “Possums”) practitioner.

Naomi aims to provide parents, and those looking to become parents, with care and support throughout pre-conception planning, pregnancy, the postpartum period and early parenting/infancy, so that they can feel more relaxed and equipped to care for themselves and their babies. 

Naomi is passionate about biologically-aligned and evidence-based information and support around breastfeeding and other forms of infant feeding, infant sleep, settling, growth and development, and she takes a Neuroprotective Developmental Care (NDC or “Possums") approach to help you enjoy your baby and being a parent.

Whilst working with families, Naomi makes every attempt to look at the bigger picture, rather than any single situation or area by itself, in order to provide a holistic approach to perinatal and infant care. 

Naomi would love to work with you or your child!